"Doctor's Best D-Ribose", 850 mg (120 kapsulių)

32,90  Su PVM
Vegan nutritional supplement suitable for athletes Doctor’s Best D-Ribose to replenish energy and improve regeneration after training. The package contains: 120 capsules.


"Doctor's Best D-Ribose", 850 mg (120 kapsulių)

Mokslu pagrįsta mityba
850 mg
Maisto papildas
Helps Enhance ATP Energy Production
Be GMO / be glitimo / be sojos
Doctor’s Best D-Ribose is a unique 5-carbon carbohydrate that is a fundamental building block of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the source for all cellular energy. Ribose is the starting point and rate limiting compound in the synthesis of these fundamental cellular compounds. The availability of ribose determines the rate at which they can be made by our cells and tissues. Studies have shown that ribose supplementation can enhance cardiac energy levels and support cardiovascular metabolism. Further studies suggest that ribose plays a role in supporting muscle energy recovery after exercise. Exercise increases free radical production in muscle tissue. Ribose may strengthen and support the body’s crucial antioxidant defenses.

Helps support energy production in heart and muscle
Helps promote muscle recovery following exercise
Helps decrease free radical production during exercise

Papildoma informacija

Priedo tipas



veganiškas, veganiškas

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"Doctor's Best



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Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos

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"Doctor's Best

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