KIKI Health Zeolīta pulveris (120g)

Pārdots: 1
14,90  PVN iekļauts.
Vegan nutritional supplement KIKI Health Zeolite Powder binds toxins in the digestive tract. Suitable for intestinal problems, excessive flatulence and digestion problems. The package contains: 120g. Gluten-free.


KIKI Health Zeolīta pulveris (120g)

Zeolite is a mineral that naturally occurs from volcanic origin from the South Aegean volcanic arc region of Turkey — formed millions of years ago when violent volcanos erupted and emitted large amounts of volcanic ash from alkaline earth. Some of the ash settled to form thick ash beds, but most of the time the ash fell into the sea and lakes. If the chemistry of the lake is in the right range, a chemical reaction of volcanic dust (ash) and water will result in the formation of natural zeolite, soft rocks with an ordered internal structure. Zeolite is a mineral with a cage-like structure which can trap molecules within it due to it’s excellent micronised particle size (less than 25 microns). Our Zeolite is a natural product from the natural mineral zeolite; it can bind to pollutants and toxins in the gastrointestinal tract like a sponge and naturally draw them out. Indigestible Zeolite is readily excreted with stool via the intestines without burdening the metabolism. Zeolite is a mineral with a cage like structure which can trap molecules within it due to it’s fine micronised particle size (less than 25 microns). KIKI Health’s Zeolite Powder is entirely natural and unadulterated, it contains just pure 100% Clinoptilolite Zeolite Powder, with no nasty fillers.

Papildu informācija

Svars 120 g
Papildinājuma veids



bez lipekļa, vegāns, vegāns




KIKI veselība



Izcelsmes valsts




KIKI veselība

KIKI Health nāk no Lielbritānijas, un tās galvenie pīlāri ir:
  • visaugstākās kvalitātes dabiskās sastāvdaļas
  • izmantoto sastāvdaļu ētiskie avoti
  • sertificēti kā bioloģiski vai savvaļā audzēti
  • tās nesatur nevēlamas piedevas.
  • bez ĢMO
  • bez lipekļa

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