NOW Foods L-ornitīns, 500 mg (120 kapsulas)

23,30  PVN iekļauts.
Vegan nutritional supplement NOW Foods L-Ornithine, 500mg, is suitable for healthy protein metabolism. The package contains: 120 capsules. Gluten-free, GMO-free.

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NOW Foods L-Ornithine

  • Fitness Amino Acid
  • Healthy Protein Metabolism
  • Ornithine is a non-essential amino acid that plays a central role in the urea cycle and along with arginine and citrulline rids the body of ammonia, a byproduct of protein metabolism.
  • Because ornithine is converted to arginine, it can help maintain healthy levels of arginine in the body.
  • Ornithine can also be converted to other amino acids such as citrulline, proline and glutamate, as well as creatine, an important source of muscle energy.

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bez lipekļa, bez gmo, vegāns, vegāns, vege


NOW Foods



Izcelsmes valsts

Amerikas Savienotās Valstis

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NOW Foods

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