BetterYou Kurkuma ústny sprej - 25 ml.

21,00  Vrátane DPH
Vegetarian nutritional supplement containing turmeric root in the form of BetterYou Turmeric Oral Spray, suitable for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. The package lasts for 30 uses. Fast and effective absorption that does not burden the digestive tract. Contents: 25ml.


BetterYou Turmeric Oral Spray

BetterYou Turmeric Daily Oral Spray is a revolutionary formulation consisting of a unique molecular encapsulation process that ensures that essential curcuminoids are effectively absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the soft tissue of the mouth, bypassing the digestive system.

  • The world’s first turmeric supplement in the form of an oral spray
  • 1,300 mg of turmeric root equivalent per dose
  • Unique molecular encapsulation process – Cyclocurmin
  • Improved absorption by bypassing the digestive system
  • Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties
  • Natural orange flavor

Using the power of turmeric has never been easier. BetterYou Turmeric Oral Spray allows everyone to use the full potential of this incredible plant. Four injections deliver 850 mg of cyclocurmin, which is an impressive 1,300 mg of turmeric root. It comes with an excellent taste, natural orange flavor.

Why Turmeric Oral Spray?

Turmeric has long been known for its array of impressive health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that support the development of a healthy immune system. The health benefits of turmeric are reduced by poor absorption due to its hydrophobic nature. The unique formulation allows the tiny droplets to be quickly absorbed into the superabsorbent layers or the inside of the cheek and the rich blood vessels located just below the surface, making it an ideal environment for nutrient delivery.

Benefits at a Glance

Bioavailability – An innovative spray delivery system that bypasses the digestive system, thus avoiding the well-documented absorption problems of curcumin.

Molecular Encapsulation – Increases bioavailability through increased water solubility, improves taste and reduces coloration.

Natural ingredients – natural emulsifiers, flavors and sweetener (xylitol). This orange flavored formulation is suitable for both vegans and vegetarians.

Health Benefits – Curcumin is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant with many health benefits.

Ďalšie informácie


natural orange


water, xylitol, curcumin extract, acacia gum, potassium sorbate, citric acid, orange oil, xanthan gum

Typ doplnku



Shake before use. Spray into the mouth 4 times, ideally on the inner sides of the cheeks and wait a while before swallowing.





Krajina pôvodu

Spojené kráľovstvo




Značka BetterYou má ambíciu byť revolučnou značkou 21. storočia. Bola to prvá značka, ktorá uviedla na trh horčíkový a výživový ústny sprej. Odvtedy sa špecializuje na produkty, ktorých hlavným cieľom je čo najvyššia vstrebateľnosť v tele, na čo mnohí brands zabúdajú. Nejde totiž o to, aby mal výrobok čo najvyššiu koncentráciu zložiek, ktoré telo aj tak všetky nevstrebá. Je to však správna technológia, ktorá pomôže telu absorbovať čo najviac potrebných živín v danej forme. Od začiatku svojej existencie vyhráva značka BetterYou jednu súťaž za druhou vďaka produktom, ktoré sú nielen kvalitné, ale najmä funkčné.

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